ADO CopyRecord and MoveRecord Methods

❮ Complete Record Object Reference


The CopyRecord method copies a file or directory to another location.


The MoveRecord method moves a file or directory to another location.

Note: The ParentURL property will not be automatically updated. You must close the Record and then open it again with the new URL.




Parameter Description
src Optional. The URL of the file or directory that will be copied/moved
dest Optional. The URL to the location where src will be copied/moved
username Optional. The user ID that authorizes access to dest
psword Optional. The password that verifies username
opt For CopyRecord: Optional. A CopyRecordOptionsEnum value that specifies the behavior of this method. Default is adCopyUnspecified

For MoveRecord: Optional. A MoveRecordOptionsEnum value that specifies the behavior of this method. Default is adMoveUnspecified

async Optional. A Boolean value that, when True, sets this operation to be asynchronous

CopyRecordOptionsEnum Values

Constant Value Description
adCopyUnspecified -1 Default. Will not allow over write or recursive copy
adCopyOverWrite 1 Overwrites the file/directory if it already exists
adCopyNonRecursive 2 Copies the current directory (none of its subdirectories) to the destination (this operation is not recursive)
adCopyAllowEmulation 4 Requests that the provider attempt to simulate the copy. If the attempt to copy the Record fails because the destination URL is on a different server or serviced by a different provider than the source, this may cause data loss

MoveRecordOptionsEnum Values

Constant Value Description
adMoveUnspecified -1 Default. Will not overwrite any file/ directory at the destination location. Will also update links
adMoveOverWrite 1 Overwrites the file/directory if it already exists
adMoveDontUpdateLinks 2 Modifies the default behavior of MoveRecord method by not updating the links of the source Record. The default behavior depends on the capabilities of the provider
adMoveAllowEmulation 4 Requests that the provider attempt to simulate the move. If the attempt to move the Record fails because the destination URL is on a different server or serviced by a different provider than the source, this may cause data loss

❮ Complete Record Object Reference
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