WebSecurity Property - HasUserId

❮ WebSecurity


The HasUserId property is a boolean value that indicates whether the current user has a user ID in the WebSecurity database.

The property value is a boolean true if the current user has a user ID. The default is false.

C# and VB Syntax



Example C#

bool value;
<p>It is @value that the user has an ID</p>

Example VB

Dim value as Boolean
End Code

<p>It is @value that the user has an ID</p>


The HasUserID property is read only. It cannot be changed by code.

The HasUserId property only verifies that the user has an ID in the WebSecurity database. It does not verify that the user account is valid (confirmed), or that the user is logged in.

Use the IsConfirmed() method to verify that the user is confirmed.

Use IsAuthenticated property to verify that the user is logged in.

Errors and Exceptions

Any access to the WebSecurity object throws an InvalidOperationException if:

  • The InitializeDatabaseConnection() method has not been called
  • SimpleMembership is not initialized (or disabled in the website configuration)

❮ WebSecurity
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