Bootstrap Navigation Components

Tabs and Pills

Class Description Example
.nav nav-tabs Creates navigation tabs Try it
.nav nav-pills Creates navigation pills Try it
.nav nav-pills nav-stacked Creates vertical navigation pills Try it
.nav-justified Makes navigation tabs/pills equal widths of their parent, at screens wider than 768px. On smaller screens, the nav tabs/pills are stacked Try it
.disabled Indicates a disabled (unclickable) tab/pill Try it
Navigation tabs with dropdown menu Try it
Navigation pills with dropdown menu Try it
.tab-content Together with .tab-pane and data-toggle="tab" (data-toggle="pill" for pills), it makes the tab/pill toggleable Try it
.tab-pane Together with .tab-content and data-toggle="tab" (data-toggle="pill" for pills), it makes the tab/pill toggleable Try it


Class Description Example
.navbar Creates a navigation bar Try it
.navbar-brand Added to a link or a header element inside the navbar to represent a logo or a header Try it
.navbar-btn Vertically aligns a button inside a navbar Try it
.navbar-collapse Collapses the navbar (hidden and replaced with a menu/hamburger icon on mobile phones and small tablets) Try it
.navbar-default Creates a default navigation bar (light-grey background color) Try it
.navbar-fixed-bottom Makes the navbar stay at the bottom of the screen (sticky/fixed) Try it
.navbar-fixed-top Makes the navbar stay at the top of the screen (sticky/fixed) Try it
.navbar-form Added to form elements inside the navbar to vertically center them (proper padding) Try it
.navbar-header Added to a container element that contains the link/element that represent a logo or a header Try it
.navbar-inverse Creates a black navigation bar (instead of light-grey) Try it
.navbar-left Aligns nav links, forms, buttons, or text, in the navbar to the left Try it
.navbar-link Styles an element to look like a link inside the navbar (anchors get proper padding and an underline on hover, while other elements like p or span gets a default hover effect - white color in an inversed navbar and a black color in a default navbar) Try it
.navbar-nav Used on a <ul> container that contains the list items with links inside a navigation bar Try it
.navbar-right Aligns nav links, forms, buttons, or text in the navbar to the right. Try it
.navbar-static-top Removes left, top and right borders (rounded corners) from the navbar (default navbar has a gray border and a 4px border-radius by default)
.navbar-text Vertical align any elements inside the navbar that are not links (ensures proper padding) Try it
.navbar-toggle Styles the button that should open the navbar on small screens. Often used together with three .icon-bar classes to indicate a toggleable menu icon (hamburger/bars) Try it

Breadcrumbs and Pagination

Class Description Example
.breadcrumb Makes a breadcrumb Try it
.pager Provides simple pagination links (Previous/Next) Try it
.previous Aligns the .pager previous button to the left Try it
.next Aligns the .pager next button to the right Try it
.disabled Indicates an unclickable link Try it
.pagination Provides pagination links Try it
.pagination-lg Used together with the .pagination class to provide larger pagination links Try it
.pagination-sm Used together with the .pagination class to provide smaller pagination links Try it
.disabled Indicates an unclickable link Try it
.active Indicates the current page Try it

Labels and Badges

Class Description Example
.label label-default Indicates a default grey label Try it
.label label-primary Indicates a blue label of type "primary" Try it
.label label-success Indicates a green label of type "success" Try it
.label label-info Indicates a light blue label of type "info" Try it
.label label-warning Indicates a yellow label of type "warning" Try it
.label label-danger Indicates a red label of type "danger" Try it
.badge Indicates new or unread items Try it
.jumbotron Indicates a big box for calling extra attention to featured content or information Try it
.jumbotron (extra) To let the .jumbotron box span the full width, and without rounded corners, place it outside the .container class Try it

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