CSS hyphens Property


Set different hyphenations:

div.a {
  hyphens: none;

div.b {
  hyphens: manual;

div.c {
  hyphens: auto;

<h2>hyphens: none</h2>
<div class="a">A veryvery&shy;very long word.</div>

<h2>hyphens: manual</h2>
<div class="b">A veryvery&shy;very long word.</div>

<h2>hyphens: auto</h2>
<div class="c">A veryvery&shy;very long word.</div>
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Definition and Usage

The hyphens property defines whether hyphenation is allowed to create more soft wrap opportunities within a line of text.

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Default value: manual
Inherited: yes
Animatable: no. Read about animatable
Version: CSS3
JavaScript syntax: object.style.hyphens="none"

Browser Support

The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the property.

hyphens 55.0 79.0
10.0 -ms-
43.0 17.0
5.1 -webkit-

CSS Syntax

hyphens: none|manual|auto|initial|inherit;

Property Values

Value Description Demo
none Words are not hyphenated Demo ❯
manual Default. Words are only hyphenated at &hyphen; or &shy; (if needed) Demo ❯
auto Words are hyphenated where the algorithm is deciding (if needed) Demo ❯
initial Sets this property to its default value. Read about initial
inherit Inherits this property from its parent element. Read about inherit

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