CSS orphans Property


When printing, display at least 4 lines at the bottom and 2 lines at the top of each page:

@media print {
  orphans: 4;
  widows: 2;

Definition and Usage

The orphans property specifies the minimum number of lines that must be left at the bottom of a page or column.

Tip: Also look at the widows property. 

Default value: 2
Inherited: yes
Animatable: no. Read about animatable
Version: CSS3
JavaScript syntax: object.style.orphans = "3"

Browser Support

The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the property.

orphans 25.0 8.0 Not supported 3.1 10.0

CSS Syntax

orphans: integer|initial|inherit;

Property Values

Value Description
integer Specifies the minimum number of lines that must be left at the bottom of a page or column. Negative values are not allowed
initial Sets this property to its default value. Read about initial
inherit Inherits this property from its parent element. Read about inherit

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