fullscreenerror Event


Alert some text if an element can not be viewed in fullscreen mode:

document.addEventListener("fullscreenerror", function() {
  alert("Fullscreen denied")


The fullscreenerror event occurs when an element can not be viewed in fullscreen mode, even if it has been requested.

Note: This event requires specific prefixes to work in different browsers (see Browser Support below).

Tip: Use the element.requestFullscreen() method to view an element in fullscreen mode.

Tip: Use the element.exitFullscreen() method to cancel fullscreen mode.

Browser Support

The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the event. Note: Each browser requires a specific prefix (see parentheses):

fullscreenerror 45.0 (webkit) 11.0 (ms) 47.0 (moz) 5.1 (webkit) 15.0 (webkit)


Using prefixes for cross-browser code:

/* Standard syntax */
document.addEventListener("fullscreenerror", function() {

/* Firefox */
document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenerror", function() {

/* Chrome, Safari and Opera */
document.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenerror", function() {

/* IE / Edge */
document.addEventListener("msfullscreenerror", function() {



<element onfullscreenerror="myScript">

In JavaScript:

object.onfullscreenerror = function(){myScript};

In JavaScript, using the addEventListener() method:

object.addEventListener("fullscreenerror", myScript);

Technical Details

Bubbles: Yes
Cancelable: No
Event type: Event
HTML tags: ALL HTML elements

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