PHP jddayofweek() Function

❮ PHP Calendar Reference


Return the weekday of 13th January, 1998:

echo jddayofweek($jd,1);
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Definition and Usage

The jddayofweek() function returns the day of the week.



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
jd Required. A Julian Day number
mode Optional. Specifies how to return the weekday. Can have one of the following values:
  • 0 - Default. Returns the weekday as an integer (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, etc.)
  • 1 - Returns the weekday as a string (Sunday, Monday, etc.)
  • 2 - Returns the weekday as a string, abbreviated form (Sun, Mon, etc.)

Technical Details

Return Value: Returns the Gregorian weekday as a string or integer (depends on the mode parameter)
PHP Version: 4+

❮ PHP Calendar Reference
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