PHP mysqli ssl_set() Function

❮ PHP MySQLi Reference

Example - Object Oriented style

Create an SSL connection:

$mysqli = mysqli_init();
if (!$mysqli) {
  die("mysqli_init failed");

$mysqli -> ssl_set("key.pem", "cert.pem", "cacert.pem", NULL, NULL);

if (!$mysqli -> real_connect("localhost","my_user","my_password","my_db")) {
  die("Connect Error: " . mysqli_connect_error());

// Some queries...

$mysqli -> close();

Look at example of procedural style at the bottom.

Definition and Usage

The ssl_set() / mysqli_ssl_set() function is used to establish secure connections using SSL. However, this function does nothing unless OpenSSL support is enabled.

Note: This function must be called before real_connect().

Note: MySQL Native Driver does not support SSL before PHP 5.3.3. MySQL Native Driver is enabled by default on Microsoft Windows from PHP 5.3+.


Object oriented style:

$mysqli -> ssl_set(key, cert, ca, capath, cipher)

Procedural style:

mysqli_ssl_set(connection, key, cert, ca, capath, cipher)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
connection Required. Specifies the MySQL connection to use
key Required. Specifies the path name to the key file
cert Required. Specifies the path name to the certificate file
ca Required. Specifies the path name to the certificate authority file
capath Required. Specifies the pathname to a directory that contains trusted SSL CA certificates in PEM format
cipher Required. Specifies a list of allowable ciphers to use for SSL encryption

Technical Details

Return Value: Always TRUE. If SSL setup is incorrect, real_connect() will return an error when you try to connect
PHP Version: 5+

Example - Procedural style

Create an SSL connection:

$con = mysqli_init();
if (!$con) {
  die("mysqli_init failed");

mysqli_ssl_set($con, "key.pem", "cert.pem", "cacert.pem", NULL, NULL);

if (!mysqli_real_connect($con, "localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "my_db")) {
  die("Connect Error: " . mysqli_connect_error());

// Some queries...


❮ PHP MySQLi Reference
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