PHP empty() Function

❮ PHP Variable Handling Reference


Check whether a variable is empty. Also check whether the variable is set/declared:

$a = 0;

// True because $a is empty
if (empty($a)) {
  echo "Variable 'a' is empty.<br>";

// True because $a is set
if (isset($a)) {
  echo "Variable 'a' is set";
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Definition and Usage

The empty() function checks whether a variable is empty or not.

This function returns false if the variable exists and is not empty, otherwise it returns true.

The following values evaluates to empty:

  • 0
  • 0.0
  • "0"
  • ""
  • NULL
  • array()



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
variable Required. Specifies the variable to check

Technical Details

Return Value: FALSE if variable exists and is not empty, TRUE otherwise
Return Type: Boolean
PHP Version: 4.0+
PHP Changelog: PHP 5.5: Support for expressions, not only variables
PHP 5.4: Non-numeric offsets of strings returns TRUE

❮ PHP Variable Handling Reference
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