Vue $refs Object


Using the $refs object inside a method to change the text inside a <p> tag.

methods: {
  changeVal() {
    this.$refs.pEl.innerHTML = "Hello!";
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Definition and Usage

DOM elements marked with the built-in ref attribute are stored in the $refs object.

Elements inside the $refs object can be reached with the this keyword.

The $refs object is used to reach DOM elements to read or manipulate them in a similar way as querySelector() and getElementById() are used in plain JavaScript.

More Examples

Example 1

The text from the first <p> tag is copied into the second <p> tag.

  <p ref="p1">Click the button to copy this text into the paragraph below.</p>
  <button @click="transferText">Transfer text</button>
  <p ref="p2">...</p>

  export default {
    methods: {
      transferText() { 
        this.$refs.p2.innerHTML = this.$refs.p1.innerHTML;
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Example 2

A <p> element gets the same content as what's being written in the input field.

  <p>Start writing inside the input element, and the text will be copied into the last paragraph by the use of the '$refs' object.</p>
  <input ref="inputEl" @input="getRefs" placeholder="Write something..">
  <p ref="pEl"></p>

  export default {
    methods: {
      getRefs() { 
        this.$refs.pEl.innerHTML = this.$refs.inputEl.value;
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Example 3

The button reveals the the third list element stored as an array element inside the $refs object.

  <p>Click the button to reveal the 3rd list element stored as an array element in the $refs object.</p>
  <button @click="getValue">Get the 3rd list element</button><br>
    <li v-for="x in liTexts" ref="liEl">{{ x }}</li>
  <pre>{{ thirdEl }}</pre>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        thirdEl: ' ',
        liTexts: ['Apple','Banana','Kiwi','Tomato','Lichi']
    methods: {
      getValue() { 
        this.thirdEl = this.$refs.liEl[2].innerHTML;
        console.log("this.$refs.liEl = ",this.$refs.liEl);

pre {
  background-color: lightgreen;
  display: inline-block;
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Related Pages

Vue Tutorial: Vue Template Refs

Vue Reference: Vue 'ref' Attribute

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